This program aims to provide the elements for improving environmental and social impact assessment skills for development projects. It will present the tools that can be applied for different project arrangements, ranging from more focused ESIAs to Strategic and Cumulative Impact Assessments to the design of frameworks for sectoral programs and Financial Intermediary projects. It will also strengthen the capacity for more effective supervision of safeguard issues during project implementations.
Environmental and Social Management of Construction
This training intends to provide participants with the basic knowledge of environmental and social impacts during construction of infrastructure projects and the good practices that are available to manage them. It will also [provide participants with the supervision tools to ensure compliance by contractors.
Indigenous Peoples and Social Assessment
This course intends to provide participants with an understanding of good practices, available tools, and the existing ADB and WB requirements as well as those under country systems concerning projects benefiting or affecting indigenous peoples in the Philippines. It focuses particularly on the requirements for a social assessment to assess the social benefits, risks, and impacts associated with development projects, but will also discuss requirements and good practices for consultations and appropriate measures to design projects benefiting or affecting indigenous peoples.
Involuntary Resettlement
This course aims to provide participants with an understanding of theories and good practices concerning involuntary resettlement, including livelihood restoration programs for displaced persons. It also aims to introduce the participants to the policies and standards on involuntary resettlement of international financial institutions, such as those of the ADB and the World Bank Group. The course will familiarize the participants with the use of effective practices and tools to prepare, implement, supervise and monitor sustainable approaches to addressing the negative impacts associated with involuntary resettlement.
Green Infrastructure in Natural Habitats and Physical Cultural Resources
This course is open to participants who have a general knowledge of the EIA process and an interest in the protection of natural habitats and physical cultural resources in infrastructure projects. The course is given with detailed guidance tools available so that participants can share the content with their colleagues.
Project Supervision: Environmental and Social Management
This program intends to provide participants with the practical knowledge of planning and carrying out supervision of projects, especially World Bank- and ADB-funded projects, from an environmental and social safeguard perspective to improve safeguard supervision and project performance. It exposes the participants to the different supervision tools and instruments that are available, and the required reporting needed after supervision.